Friday, February 29, 2008

Hatchet Bay

For the past few days, I've been out in Hatchet Bay, another settlement here on Eleuthera. We've been working on building a bathroom and a kitchen. I feel like progress was kind of slow, but that was to be expected because of all of the construction that we had to correct before being able to move forward with our current projects. The building is over 160 years old, and it is also the oldest church in Hatchet Bay. It hasn't been used as a church building (or for anything else) for some time, so the decision was made to turn it into a community center. The people, especially the children will use it as a safe place to go and hang out. Right now, there aren't many constructive activities that keep the children out of trouble, so the whole community is very supportive of what is happening.
The group that has been working on this specific project have really adopted it. Some of the people on the team have already been down here to work on the building over 4 times. The Lord has given them a vision, and they've allowed Him to use them.
Personally, I've been doing well. Since I was away from the camp, I was out of contact with everybody for a couple of days, so I'm sorry for the lack of communication. The past 2 days have been relatively cooler than they have been, and I can tell that my blood is starting to thin... Its probably around 65-70 degrees, I'm wearing my thickest long pants and a long sleeved t-shirt, and I'm freezing cold!!
Thank you for all of your prayers. I think of you all often, and hope you're doing well!


PJ said...

Stay warm!

Skudlarek's said...

Haaaa! So you are now cold at 65 degrees and I am now loving the warm 30 degrees. There is something very messed up in our worlds right now. :) I love you and miss you, lots.

lindsay said...

It's cool to see how fast people get used to their new homes. You and Chels are both freezing when the rest of us are wearing t-shirts. And poor Jenn- she thinks 30 is warm now.

Chelsea and Mike said...

Well, it is really hot in Sierra Leone and only going to get hotter! So enjoy the cool me! Love you and praying for you! Remember to tell me when you go jump off the cliff:)

ellen said...

Leia!! 65 degrees is "freezing?" I am so jealous! Its quite nippy in Nashville at the moment! Can't wait to see you in May and I can't wait to read more about the development of this much needed community center!

The Willis Family said...

Hey just wanted to let you know that I put ultrasound pics on my blog. ( Love you!!