I'm back in the Eleuthera for round 2 of my stay, and so far its been nothing short of amazing! I arrived 11 days ago now, and had to hit the ground running. A team made up of 7 people came down from Kansas City, Missouri. There passion for the people here in Eleuthera was astounding, and thats so refreshing, because thats what missions is really about. Yes, we did lots of painting and construction on a home and a church up north on Current Island, but the relationships are what people need and want! And this group was perfect for that.
There won't be another group coming for about 4 weeks, so until then I'll be helping Abe in the office. I spent yesterday and part of today contacting the groups that are planning their mission trips down here. The other part of today I spent on the beach, and I'm paying dearly because I look like a lobster! Apparently when I arrived, a cold front was coming through (60-65 degrees at night). All of the kids were running around with their tobogans and long sleeved shirts on, because they were cold! I'm sorry to everybody thats actually suffering in cold weather, I'll try to send you some warm weather :)
For anyone looking for something specific to pray for, please pray that God will continue to give all of us involved with the Bahamas Methodist Habitat grace to know how to best fulfill his will, and then the endurance to follow through with that. Thank you! I miss you all and love you very much!
There won't be another group coming for about 4 weeks, so until then I'll be helping Abe in the office. I spent yesterday and part of today contacting the groups that are planning their mission trips down here. The other part of today I spent on the beach, and I'm paying dearly because I look like a lobster! Apparently when I arrived, a cold front was coming through (60-65 degrees at night). All of the kids were running around with their tobogans and long sleeved shirts on, because they were cold! I'm sorry to everybody thats actually suffering in cold weather, I'll try to send you some warm weather :)
For anyone looking for something specific to pray for, please pray that God will continue to give all of us involved with the Bahamas Methodist Habitat grace to know how to best fulfill his will, and then the endurance to follow through with that. Thank you! I miss you all and love you very much!
leia!!! thanks for posting, finally :) i have so been wondering how life is. and thanks for the pictures too, keep them up. it looks absolutly beautiful and the children look joyful. i wonderful look for them. have a fabulous day. i miss you a ton, be super careful. love you
i still can't believe you're down there! geez, jealous... but i'm also very excited. it's so great to hear how wonderful things are! keep doing what you're doing. and next time, wear sunscreen - for the love! i hope the aloe is working for you :)
wow, Leia great pics! I'm really glad to hear that everything is wonderful.
Hey Leia
Nice to see another Missourian haunting Eleuthera. I'll be staying not far from Current this coming April for a week.
I love your pictures! It was good talking to you the other day!
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