Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weekend Fun!

After working hard all week, I get the weekends off, and when you're on such a beautiful island, there is plenty to do. My roommate and I aren't aloud to drive any of the camp vehicles, so we have to resort to walking when we're by ourselves. and I started out our Saturday by walking through town, and making some new aquaintances. That's proven to be a really great way to meet people, and that's how our Saturday morning started. We walked down to ship wreck beach, which is appropriately named because there is a huge ship wrecked about 10 feet out from the beach. We stayed there for a couple of hours, and then Abe found us, and took us sailing!! All I have to say is that I am a huge fan of sailing now, and can't wait to get the opportunity to go back out. While sailing, we say Lenny Kravitz's yacht!! So cool, and then again today we saw his jeep, and decided to leave a note on his car inviting him to stop by the camp and visit. We'll have to see if he takes us up on the offer :) Today, after church, we went to surfer's beach, which is apparently one of the best surfing beaches in the world. The waves weren't good ones to try and surf on today, so we're going to go back another day and try again, but the waves were still tons of fun to play in! Tomorrow its back to work, but I'm not at all dreading it after having such a wonderful weekend.


Daniel said...

Sweet! Can you take a picture of the shipwreck? We miss you!

Candice said...

Wow Leia, I'm jealous! I'm glad you having a great time! We miss ya!

lindsay said...

so cool, Leia! I'm glad you have a reward for all the hard work every weekend. Eleuthera sounds great (and the pictures are beautiful).