Friday, February 15, 2008

Settling In

I've been down here now for almost a month, and I couldn't ask for things to be going any better! I've been given the title of Volunteer Coordinator, which means that I'm the contact person for everyone that is either coming down or anyone that has shown interest in coming down to serve. So far, I feel like I've been playing catch up with getting everything a little more organized, but things are coming together. Our goal is to get 750 volunteers to come and serve in 2008, and though we aren't at that number yet, I know that the Lord will provide people to come. If anyone is intersted themselves in possibly coming down, or knows of someone else that might be, let me know. The community here is in desperate need of people to come and make their lives a little bit better.


Chelsea and Mike said...

Leia! Good to hear everything there is going great. I'm so happy for you! Praying for you and thinking about you. Love ya!

Skudlarek's said...

I want to come!!!! Who wants to pay for me~!!! :) i love you Leia, thanks for listening to God and serving Him.