I've made it home, and things are going well. It was really hard for me to leave everybody in Eleuthera, but my consolation is that I will be going back in August! I've decided to defer grad school for a year, and go back to serve with Methodist Habitat. The main reason for me coming home this summer is to try and raise support to go back, as well as save money from my summer job. My goal is to raise enough support to last for the entire time that I will be in Eleuthera next year.
Since coming home, I've been reflecting on my experience. Some of the things that I've been confronted with have been hard to swallow. For example, through different experiences, it has hit me that I truly am a judgemental person. I used to not accept all people for who they were. Thankfully, the Lord put people in my life that are much different than me, and I'm really learning to love people for who they are and not what I think they should be. The people of Eleuthera have a genuine love for one another, that still blows my mind.
There were ups and downs, but I wouldn't change anything that happened. I can't wait to go back, and would love to share more details with anyone that is interested. Thank you all for your support while I was there!
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