I'm finally in Eleuthera and will be for the next 10 days! Flying in was an amazing sight, because of the beauty of the island! I arrived today around 2:15 without any problems, except that the airlines left all of my checked baggage (which happens to be everything I need) in Ft. Lauderdale. If all goes well, it should be at the airport tomorrow afternoon for me to pick up. Since I've been here, a wonderful couple that happen to be close friends of my boss, have taken me under their wing. This afternoon they showed me around the area of the island where Camp Symonette is located. After that, I got to help their 5 year old daughter with her spelling homework, which was quite interesting. She has slready stolen my heart with her joy and personality! Now I'm back at the camp where I thought that I would be all alone, but I've already spotted many little critters like lizards, frogs, and HUGE cochroaches. I feel relatively fortunate though, because apparently there are tons of teranchalas that like to make themselves comfortable here!
I'm really glad you made it ok!! I'm already missing you!! :o) love you!
Glad to hear you made it. Hope the luggage gets there soon.
Glad you made it ok even if the luggage didnt. Guess you will have to settle for a grass skirt or something. I guess thats actually Hawaii but you get the point. Hope you have a blast.
Leia! I hope your experience is a blessing, and you are able to use this time to discern what God is calling you to do. You are a wonderful blessing to all those who come in contact with ya. Praying for you. Lots of love:)
Hey Leia! I'm so glad you made it there ok! Even though you're missing all your stuff. I hope you're having a great time! Have fun with all those critters!
leia, i am thinking about you and definately praying for you. i miss you and hope your enjoying God time!!!!!
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